Main features ... "Tile operation incapacitating function" "Battle with Sengoku warlords" "Over 200 local roles" "Assist mode" "Tile management" "Battle record management" "Abundant options"
『 四人麻雀 』は、初心者の方でも手軽に遊べる本格的な「四人打ち麻雀」です。対戦相手は個性豊かな戦国武将、初心者の方のプレイを助ける便利なアシスト機能や、上級者の方も継続して遊べる豊富なローカル・ルールとローカル役、誰でもより楽しめる充実したオプションを用意しました。また、オフラインでもプレイできる「OFFLINE PLAY SYSTEM」機能を搭載しました。 《 主な特徴 》・「牌操作無力化機能」による正当な牌山作成・対戦相手は個性豊かな総勢60名の「戦国武将」・「フリー対戦」と「勝ち抜き戦」の2モードを搭載・約250項目の「ローカル役(ルール)が設定可能(「割れ目」や「アリス」等の特殊ルールにも対応)・「アシストモード」をはじめ豊富な初心者設定・約350項目の戦績がランキング形式で閲覧可能・過去の対局を記録した「牌譜」が再生可能・テーマ設定や「黒牌」使用等のカスタマイズも可能・広告非表示(定期購入)にも対応・オフライン環境対応「OFFLINE PLAY SYSTEM」搭載 ※初心者向け「アシストモード」とは?初心者向けの補助機能で、次の機能があります。 1)現在の和了型の表示 2)現在の向聴数の表示 3)有効牌の表示 4)安全牌や危険牌の表示 5)オープン立直時の当たり牌の表示 6)選んだ手牌と同じ牌の表示※これに併せて、「聴牌ガイド」「鳴かれた牌表示」「自模切りマーク」「ドラ牌マーク」の各機能を有効にすることで、初心者の方でも無理なくプレイすることができます。 《 その他の機能 》・画面向きは「固定(縦/横)」「自動」が設定可能・打牌操作は「ドロップ」等の4方式から選択可能・対局中の「トップ条件」「符一覧表示」が閲覧可能・「時間制限」や「理牌なし」でのプレイも可能・「捨牌表示」は「6・7・10枚切り」から選択可能・終局時の牌山確認が可能・「リトライ機能」により同じ山でのプレイが可能・「リプレイ」「オープンモード」の補助機能の導入・「ビンゴ」や「回文」成立時の演出編集機能を実装 ◆アプリ内容のご案内◆◇◆◆ゲームモード[フリー対戦] 好みの設定で自由に対局できるモード。対戦相手は30名から選ぶことができます。[勝ち抜き戦] 試合で単独トップになることで次の試合に進むことができるモード。このモードは、「フリー対戦」で有効な3試合をプレイすると追加できます。 ◆対局ルール項目抜粋試合長(東風/半荘/一荘/三風)/特殊回し(東東回し/東西回し/東北回し)/持ち点(20000点~30000点)/チップ(御祝儀)(一発/裏ドラ/赤牌/役満)/場決め(1筒2筒使用/東掴みで仮東)/親決め(振賽2回/振賽1回/場決めの仮東が親)/開門位置(振賽/東家前の牌山右端)/割れ目(大割れ目/導火線)/1翻縛り/2翻縛り(なし/0本場以上~10本場以上)/鳴きに関する特殊設定(喰い替え/喰い直し/河底の鳴き/自摸番が無い鳴き/槓(禁止/通常/無制限))/振聴に関する特殊設定(振聴としないケース(国士無双の現物以外等)/振聴とするケース(加槓した牌を含む等))/自摸和了時の発声(「ツモ」/「ロン」)/和了点数の個別設定/親子の得点差/親和了時の連荘/満貫の特殊設定/跳満以上は2翻ごととする/三倍満以上の扱い/多重役満無し/二家和/三家和/頭跳ね/同時成立/積み符上家取り/親和了上家のみ連荘/アリス(懸賞扱い)/責任払い(包)/大明槓による嶺上開花/バセンゴ/不聴罰符無し/アガリ止め/テンパイ止め/天辺/トビ終了/0点トビ/焼き鳥/焼き直し/焼き鳥返し/順位ウマ/途中流局/九種九牌/九種九牌は親の倒牌のみ連荘/四風連打/四家立直/四開槓/喰いタン/後付け/先付け/王手飛車での片アガリ/合計符処理/基本点処理/合計点処理/符計算無し(30符ベース)/端数繰り上げ/槓子補正/残り自摸番なしでの立直/振聴立直禁止/立直後の和了見送り禁止/平和自摸(ピンヅモ)無効/平和の雀頭も数牌に限る/七対子(3種類の符・翻の設定)/喰いタン(なし/あり/ドラ扱い)/精算方式(得点換算方式/順位点数方式)/精算時の端数処理/供託取得制限/積み符なし/門前に限る絶一門/ゾロメ/ピンゾロ/王牌無し/偶然役に関する特殊設定/嶺上開花に自摸符を加算/海底自摸に自摸符を加算/単一役満上限/残留供託の扱い/延長戦(+サドンデス)/聴牌(形式聴牌無効/振聴無効/空聴無効)/時間制限を試合ごとに設定/国士無双13面待ちを振聴としない/親の配牌での和了牌を特定しない/喰い平和加符無し/アリス1枚当たり点数/責任払いを対象者全額/1翻七対子で満貫以上は1翻追加/赤五筒を役とする 【基本役】立直*/一発*/門前清自模和/断么九*/平和*/一盃口/嶺上開花*/槍槓*/海底摸月*/河底撈魚*/荘風牌/門風牌/三元牌/三色同順/一気通貫/混全帯么九/七対子*/対々和/三暗刻/混老頭*/三色同刻*/三槓子*/小三元/連風牌/ダブル立直*/混一色*/純全帯么九/二盃口*/清一色*/国士無双*/四暗刻*/大三元/字一色*/小四喜/大四喜*/緑一色*/清老頭*/四槓子*/九蓮宝燈*/天和*/地和*※(*)は詳細設定可能 【ドラ】ドラ不採用/裏ドラ/槓ドラ/槓裏/槓ドラ即乗り/暗槓即乗り・明槓打牌後/赤ドラ(3/5/7):1~6枚/花牌(春夏秋冬)/見立てドラ(34種全て)/白ポッチ/ダブドラ/トリドラ/アリス(ドラ扱い)/永田町ルール/九州ルール 【ローカル役】役無し/赤五筒/赤ドラ三色/オールスター/四花和/オープン立直/ 報知/スーパー立直 /ハイパー立直 /流し満貫/真似満/人和/十三不塔/十三無靠/八連荘/破回八連荘/パンダ/大草原/欠牌和/金鶏奪食/松竹梅/中原逐鹿/槓振り/頭槓和/連開花/三連開花/四連開花/三色通貫/三風刻/客風三刻/セブンアップ/オールワン/オールナイン/清海湖/青函トンネル/青函連絡船/四字刻/二同刻/小タテ/三色連刻/頂三刻/筋牌刻/跳牌刻/四跳牌刻/白一色/単竜/金鶏独立/独釣寒江雪/五筒開花/二索槍槓/一筒摸月/九筒撈魚/世界一/五心通貫/断紅和(混断紅/清断紅)/五門斉/超三元/超四喜/四連槓/清盃口/双竜争珠/鏡同和/燕返し/七星無靠/十四連嵌/青ノ洞門/宝紅開花/一気通貫全帯么九/純一気通貫全帯么九/三連刻/四連刻/一色三順/一色四順/大車輪/中車輪/小車輪/大竹林/中竹林/小竹林/大数隣/中数隣/小数隣/黒一色/風花雪月/花鳥風月/十二落抬/白有り緑一色/三色同槓/四丁使い/東北自動車道/東北新幹線(本役/グリーン車)/上越新幹線(あさひ/とき)/百万石/加賀百万石/紀州五十五万石/水戸三十五万石/南北戦争/金門橋/大七星/火山爆発(3タイプ) /紅孔雀/紅一点/緑一色輪/石の上にも三年/三元七対子/四喜七対子/奇数七対子/偶数七対子/三色同対/三色二同対/三色異同対/アメリカン七対子/五龍鳴動/連順和/暗中模索/開門風/裏風/木綿豆腐/純木綿豆腐/小三風/紅白饅頭/青春に悔いなし/青春に悔いあり/雪月花/三字刻/混連環套/雑連環套/清連環套/全帯五/西廂待月/絶一門/二暗刻/二連刻/連六/老少副/双連刻/二槓子/二色同順/二色同刻/二色同槓/二連槓/大老頭/小老頭/發無し緑一色/四暗刻単騎/純正国士無双/純正九蓮宝燈/十三龍門/三連槓/鳴門大橋/四節高/南大草原 ◆対戦相手織田信長/明智光秀/前田利家/豊臣秀吉/石田三成/小早川秀秋/山内一豊/徳川家康/武田信玄/上杉謙信/毛利元就/伊達政宗/島津義弘/浅井長政/真田幸村/柴田勝家/直江兼続/加藤清正/竹中重治/本多忠勝/大谷吉継/前田慶次/北条氏康/黒田如水/長宗我部元親/島左近/藤堂高虎/今川氏真/山名豊国/立花宗茂・・・さらに30名の計60名 ◆操作方法 アプリ内の各種ガイドをご覧ください。 ◆利用条件 通信環境の整っているオンラインでの利用条件となります。 ◆対応機種 Android OS 5.0以上の機種に対応していますが、端末のスペックによっては快適に動作しないことがあります。 ◆ライセンス アプリ内の「牌操作無力化機能」の一部には、「Apache 2.0 ライセンス」で配布されている製作物が含まれています。 ◆アプリ名について 旧アプリ名『 四人麻雀 FREE 』『 四人麻雀DX 』から現名称『 四人麻雀 』へ変更になりました。 ◆企画・開発・配信 空想科学株式会社 "Four-person Mahjong" is a full-fledged "four-person mahjong" that even beginners can easily play. Opponents are unique Sengoku warlords , convenient assist functions that help beginners play, and abundant that even advanced players can continue to play. We have prepared rich options for everyone to enjoy with local rules and local roles . It also has a " OFFLINE PLAY SYSTEM " function that allows you to play offline.It was 《Main features》 ・ Creation of legitimate tiles by " tile operation incapacity function "・ The opponent is a total of 60 unique " Sengoku warlords "・ Equipped with two modes, "free battle" and "winning battle"・ Approximately 250 items of " local role (rule) can be set(Compatible with special rules such as " crack " and " Alice ")・ Abundant beginner settings including " assist mode "・ Approximately 350 items of battle record can be viewed in ranking format・ " Score " that records past games can be played.・ Customization such as theme setting and use of " black tiles " is also possible.・ Supports non-display of advertisements (subscription)・ Equipped with " OFFLINE PLAY SYSTEM " for offline environmentIt was * What is "assist mode" for beginners? This is an auxiliary function for beginners and has the following functions.1) Display of the current winning type2) Display of the current number of listening3) Display of valid tiles4) Display of safety tiles and dangerous tiles5) Display of winning tiles when opening upright6) Display of the same tile as the selected hand tile* Along with this, even beginners can play comfortably by enabling each function of "Tempai guide", "Sounded tile display", "Self-imitation mark", and "Dora tile mark". ..It was << Other functions >> ・ "Fixed (vertical / horizontal)" and "automatic" can be set for the screen orientation.・ You can select from 4 methods such as "Drop" for the hammering operation.・ You can view the "top condition" and "mark list display" during the game.・ You can also play with "time limit" or " no tiles ".・ "Disposal display" can be selected from "6, 7, 10 sheets"・ It is possible to check the tiles at the end of the game ・ "Retry function" allows you to play on the same mountain・ Introduction of auxiliary functions for "replay" and "open mode"-Implemented a production editing function when " Bingo " or " Palindrome " is established.It wasIt was ◆ Information on application contents ◆ ◇ ◆ ◆ Game mode [Free match] A mode in which you can play freely with your favorite settings. You can choose from 30 opponents. [Winning Battle] A mode in which you can advance to the next match by becoming the single top in the match. This mode can be added by playing 3 valid matches in "Free Match".It wasIt was ◆ Excerpt from game rule items Match leader (Dongfeng / Hanso / Ichiso / Sanfu) / Special turn (East-East turn / East-West turn / Tohoku turn) / Points (20,000 to 30,000 points) / Chip (Congratulations) (One shot / Back Dora / Red 牌 / Tenpai) / Place decision (use 1 cylinder 2 cylinders / Temporary east with east grab) / Parent decision (2 times of Furiten / 1 time of Furiten / Temporary east of place decision is parent) / Opening position (Shake) Samurai / Right end of Tenpai in front of Higashiya) / Crack (Large crack / Fire wire) / 1 Furiten / 2 Furiten (None / 0 or more to 10 or more) / Special settings related to squeal (re-eating / re-eating / river) Bottom squeal / Squeal without self-numbering / Maki (Prohibited / Normal / Unlimited)) / Special settings related to Furiten (Cases without Furiten (other than the actual product of Kokushi Musou) / Cases with Furiten (Tempai) (Including, etc.)) / Voice at the end of self-reliance ("Tsumo" / "Ron") / Individual setting of the score of the completion / Difference in points between parents and children / Renso at the end of affinity / Special setting of Mannuki / 2 for more than jumping Furiten / Treatment of more than triple full / No multiple roles / Wa Niie / Wa Sanke / Head bounce / Simultaneous establishment / Take a stacker / Affinity Ryojo only Renso / Alice (treated as a prize) Responsible payment (packet) / Minegami flowering by Daimei 槓 / Basengo / No inaudible punishment / Agari stop / Tempai stop / Tenbe / Tobi end / 0 point Tobi / Yakitori / Rehashing / Yakitori return / Ranking horse / Midway station / Nine kinds of nine tiles / Nine kinds of nine tiles are only the parents defeated villas / Four winds repeated hits / Four family standings / Four open swords Point processing / Total point processing / No sign calculation (based on 30 marks) / Fraction advancement / Correction of swords / Straightening without remaining self-numbering / Prohibition of Furiten straightening / Prohibition of seeing off agari immediately after standing / Invalid peace self-reliance (Pinzumo) / The spearhead of peace is also limited to a few tenpai / Seven pairs of children (three types of marks / translation settings) / Eating tongue (none / yes / dora treatment) / settlement method (score conversion method / ranking score method) / at the time of settlement Fraction processing / Deposit acquisition restrictions / No stacking marks / Zorome / Pinzoro / No royal tiles / Special settings for accidental roles / Add self-made marks to Minegami flowering / Add self-made marks to undersea self-made / Single role full Upper limit / Handling of residual deposit / Extended battle (+ sadon death) / Tenpai (formal listening invalid / Furiten invalid / Air listening invalid) / Time limit set for each match / Kokushi Musou 13-sided waiting is not listened / Parents Do not specify the winning match in the distribution / No eating peace addition / Points per Alice / Responsibility payment is the full amount of the target person / 1 Furiten 7 pairs and 1 Furiten or more / Red 5 cylinders are usedIt was [Basic role] Upright * / One shot * / Kiyoshi Monzen Jigamiwa / Tanyao chuu * / Peace * / Ichibanguchi / Minegami flowering * / Spear 槓 * / Haitei Yuzuki * / River bottom tile * / Zhuang style tile / Monfu Tile / Sanshoku doukou / Sanshoku doukou / Ikki Tsutsumi / Mixed whole band Tanyao chuu / Chiitoitsu * / Towa / Sanshoku doukou / Mixed old head * / Sanshoku doukou * / Sanshoku * / Kosangen / Renfu 牌 / Double upright * / Mixed one color * / Pure whole band Tanyao chuu / Two bowls * / Seiichi color * / Kokushi Musou * / Four dark engravings * / Daisangen / One color * / Small four ki / Dai four ki * / Green one color * / Seiro head * / Chiitoitsu * / Kurenhoto * / Tenwa * / Jiwa ** (*) Can be set in detailIt was [Dora] Dora not adopted / Ura Dora / Maki Dora / Maki Ura / Maki Dora Immediate Ride / Dark Maki Immediate Ride / After Ming Akira Hitting / Red Dora (3/5/7): 1-6 sheets / Flower tile (Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter) / Mimicking Dora (all 34 types) / White Potch / Dubdora / Tridora / Alice (treated as Dora) / Nagatacho Rule / Kyushu RuleIt was [Local role] No role / Red five cylinders / Red dora three colors / All-star / Four flower sum / Open upright / Notification / Super upright / Hyper upright / Nagashi Mannuki / Imitation full / Hitowa / Thirteen untowers / Thirteen Musou / Hachiren Zhuang / Hakai Hachirenso / Panda / Prairie / Missing sum / Golden chicken predatory / Shochikuume / Nakahara Riichi / Maki swing / Head Mawa / Ren flowering / Triple flowering / Four consecutive flowering / Three colors Wind engraving / Customer wind three engraving / Seven up / All one / All nine / Kiyoumi lake / Seikan tunnel / Seikan connecting ship / Four-character engraving / Two engraving / Small vertical / Three-color continuous engraving / Top three engraving / Muscle engraving / Jumping engraving / Four jumping engraving / White one color / Single dragon / Kindori independence / German fishing Kanoe Yuki / Five-cylinder flowering / Two-cylinder spear 槓Nuki / Kokushi Kazu (Mixed Kokushi / Kiyo Kurenai) / Gomon Hitoshi / Cho Sangen / Cho Shiki / Four consecutive 槓 / Kiyobanguchi / Ssangyong Jiju / Kagami Dowa / Tsubame / Chiitoitsu / 14 Continuous fitting / Aono-dongmon / Treasure red flowering / Ikki Tsutsunuki all-band 么 9 / Jun Ikki-tsunuki all-band 么 9 / Triple engraving / Four consecutive engraving / One color three order / One color four order / Large wheel / Medium wheel / Small Wheels / Otake Forest / Nakatake Forest / Kotake Forest / Large Number Next / Medium Number Next / Small Number Next / Black Isshiki / Fuka Yuzuki / Kacho Fugetsu / Twelve Ochiho / White with Green One Color Tohoku Expressway / Tohoku Shinkansen (main role / green car) / Joetsu Shinkansen (Asahi / Toki) / Hyakumangoku / Kaga Hyakumangoku / Kishu 550,000goku / Mito 350,000goku / North-South War / Kinmonbashi / Large seven stars / Volcano explosion (3 types) / Red peacock / Red one point / Green one color ring / Three years on the stone / Three elements seven pairs / Shiki seven pairs / Odd seven pairs / Even seven Paired child / Three-colored paired / Three-colored paired pair / Three-colored paired pair / American seven paired child / Goryu rumbling / Renjunwa / Dark groping / Opening style / Back wind / Cotton tofu / Pure cotton tofu / Kosanfu / Red and white buns / No regrets in youth / No regrets in youth / Yuzuki Hana / Three-character engraving / Mixed ring troupe / Miscellaneous troupe Koku / Renroku / Old Deputy / Sourenki / Chiitoitsu / Two-color same order / Two-color same time / Two-color same time / Two-colored 槓Genuine Kokushi Musou / Genuine Kuren Baotou / Jusanryumon / Sanrentsu / Naruto Ohashi / Shisetsu High School / South PrairieIt was ◆ Opponent Nobunaga Oda / Mitsuhide Akechi / Toshiie Maeda / Hideyoshi Toyotomi / Mitsunari Ishida / Hideaki Kobayakawa / Kazutoyo Yamauchi / Ieyasu Tokugawa / Shingen Takeda / Kenshin Uesugi / Motochika Date / Masamune Date / Yoshihiro Shimazu / Nagamasa Asai / Yukimura Sanada / Katsuya Shibata / Naoe Kanetsugu / Kiyomasa Kato / Shigeharu Takenaka / Tadakatsu Honda / Yoshitsugu Otani / Keiji Maeda / Hojo Ujiyasu / Kuroda Nyosui / Chosokabe Motochika / Shima Sakon / Todo Takatora / Imagawa Makoto / Yamana Toyokuni / Tachibana Muneshige・ ・ ・ A total of 60 people, 30 moreIt wasIt was ◆ Operation method Please see various guides in the app.It was ◆ Terms of Use It is a condition of use online with a well-established communication environment.It was ◆ Compatible models It is compatible with Android OS 5.0 and above models, but it may not work comfortably depending on the specifications of the device.It was ◆ License A part of the "tile operation disabling function" in the app includes the products distributed under the "Apache 2.0 license".It was ◆ About the app name The old app name "Four Mahjong FREE" and "Four Mahjong DX" have been changed to the current name "Four Mahjong".It was ◆ Planning / Development / Distribution Kuusoukagaku Co., Ltd.[ver 8.1.0] 2022/04/15 更新・オフライン時のプレイ環境改善 ※詳細は、アプリ内「更新情報」をご確認ください。
well done, I enjoy playing this everyday!
Nice game,really love it
awesome software. it is quite well designed. I love it.
Best mahjong app I have found